Legal Notice and Privacy Policy

All our commitment to provide an optimal customer experience.

This data protection statement applies to EXPERTIA SA.

In the event of any contradiction of any kind between this data protection statement and other contractual terms or general conditions of EXPERTIA SA, the provisions of this data protection statement shall prevail.

Data protection is a matter of trust, and it is important to us. We respect your privacy and personal sphere. Likewise, we seek to ensure the protection of your personal data and their processing in accordance with the law.

We firmly value your consent regarding the processing of your personal data. Through this data protection statement, we provide you with comprehensive information on the methods we apply in this regard. It is then up to you to decide whether you want your data to be processed or not.

This data protection statement encompasses both past and future information. If you agree to the processing of your personal data, these operations will apply not only to information that we collect in the future but also to information already stored with us.

When we refer to the processing of your personal data in this data protection statement, we mean any operation related to it. For example:

  • collection
  • capture
  • management
  • use
  • transmission
  • disclosure or
  • deletion of your personal data.

We collect personal data to provide better services to our customers. We believe that by focusing our business activities on the desires and needs of our customers, we can make their daily lives easier. Such improved services may include:

  • optimizing the location of our points of sale to remain close to the customers
  • defining the product assortment based on customer needs
  • personalizing communication with customers to facilitate their search for offers that meet their needs while receiving less overall advertising
  • simplifying processes such as purchases or reservations to help you achieve your goals more quickly.

We have technical and organizational measures in place to ensure the security of your personal data. As such, we are able to protect your session data and personal information against the risks of unauthorized and unlawful processing, as well as the risks of loss, alteration, disclosure, or unintentional access. However, you should be aware that the transmission of information over the Internet and other electronic channels carries certain risks to its security, and we cannot provide any guarantee regarding the security of information transmitted through these channels.

We retain your personal data as long as we consider it necessary or appropriate to ensure compliance with applicable laws or as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. We delete your personal data as soon as it has lost its usefulness and, in any case, at the end of the maximum storage period set by law.

You are entitled at any time to assert your data protection rights. In particular, you are entitled to request information about your stored personal data, to have them corrected or supplemented, to object to their processing or to demand their deletion. You will find in article 4 below the contact details of the services to contact. We reserve the right to communicate with you electronically (particularly by e-mail) about the above topics.

If you wish to exercise your rights regarding your personal data or if you have any questions or concerns about the way they are processed, you can contact us at the following address: We will try to respond promptly to your questions or concerns.

We are required by law to provide you with the name of the holder of the file containing your personal data. This is EXPERTIA SA.

We collect your personal data when we have contact with you, i.e. in multiple situations. This is the case, for example, in the following circumstances:

  • you buy our goods or use our services from our official retailers or via our Internet pages;
  • you register a purchased product with us;
  • you receive a newsletter or other advertising medium relating to our goods and services;
  • you become a member of one of our customer loyalty programs;
  • you use our Internet pages for mobile devices, our offers on Internet platforms, multimedia portals or social networks, or communicate with us or third parties via these channels;
  • you communicate with us by phone or e-mail;
  • you contact us at special events such as events, promotional activities, sponsorship activities or cultural and sporting events.

The personal data collected are also multiple. These are, on the one hand, those that you yourself make available to us and, on the other hand, those that are automatically or manually entered during contacts with us. This is the case with the data below.

Personal data:

  • first and last name;
  • date of birth and age;
  • sex;
  • at home;
  • household size;
  • purchasing habits;
  • information about purchasing power;
  • customer and purchasing preferences;
  • delivery address;
  • billing address;
  • credit card and account information;
  • language preferences;
  • telephone number(s);
  • e-mail address(es);
  • identification numbers of your technical equipment;
  • information about subscribing to newsletters or other advertising vehicles;
  • consent for the receipt of advertising;
  • contract data (including date, nature and content of the contract, parties to the contract, duration and value of the contract and claims invoked on the basis of the contract);
  • purchase information (including date, place and time of purchase, type, quantity and value of goods or services purchased, basket, interrupted basket, means of payment used, pay office, purchase history);
  • session data relating to the consultation of our Internet pages or offers on Internet platforms, multimedia portals or social networks (including duration and frequency of visits, pre-selected languages and countries, information about the computer's browser and operating system, Internet protocol addresses, keywords and research results, evaluation issued);
  • location data when using portable devices;

We process your personal data for a variety of purposes. The latter can be classified into various categories. In particular, we may process all or part of your personal data for one or more of the purposes listed below:

  • preparation and sale of our goods and services;
  • execution of orders and contracts, i.e. the sending of order confirmations, shipping and delivery, as well as delivery and invoicing operations;
  • credit check of the customer.
  • preparation, management and execution of customer communication by post or electronic means of communication;
  • commercial communication by post as well as by telephone or e-mail;
  • evaluation of the use of our offers by telephone or e-mail.
  • organization and implementation of specific events such as events, promotional activities, sponsorship activities or cultural and sporting events.
  • individualised and personalised, but also anonymous and grouped, survey and analysis of customers' past and current behaviour and purchasing habits when using the offers on our websites and social networks;
  • individualized and personalized - but also anonymous and grouped - identification, classification and analysis of clients' current and potential needs and interests;
  • individualized and personalized - but also anonymous and grouped - classification and analysis of customer behaviour and potential;
  • statistical evaluation of customer behaviour on the basis of anonymized customer data;
  • simplification of processes, in particular, those of purchase or reservation, and use of the findings of the analysis of customer behaviour carried out with a view to constantly improving all offers of goods and services;
  • prevention of unnecessary advertising by means of findings from the analysis of customer behaviour carried out with a view to individualised and personalised direct marketing;

On our Internet pages, we use "cookies", which are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit one of our Internet pages. We also intend to inform you below in full about our use of cookies.

Cookies are used to guarantee the functionalities of our web pages such as the shopping cart function for example. In addition, we use cookies to tailor our Internet offer to your wishes as a customer and to provide you with maximum convenience. We also use cookies to optimize our advertising. They allow us to offer you advertising and/or specific goods and services that are of particular interest to you in view of your use of our website. Our goal is to make it as attractive as possible to you and to provide you with advertising that matches your interests.

Most of the cookies we use are automatically deleted from your computer or mobile device at the end of the browsing session (referred to as session cookies). For example, we use session cookies to save your country or language selections and your shopping cart when you continue your Internet session over multiple pages.

In addition, we also use temporary or permanent cookies that remain stored on your computer or mobile device after the end of the browsing session. Each time you visit one of our web pages again, your preferred data and settings will be automatically recognized. These temporary or permanent cookies, which remain stored between one month and ten years on your computer or mobile device, are automatically deactivated at the end of the programmed time. They are used to make the use of our Internet pages more user-friendly, efficient and secure. In addition, they allow you to receive information on the page you are viewing that is selected according to your interests.

No personal data is stored in the cookies we use. These cannot be attributed to any particular person. When a cookie is activated, it is assigned an identification number.

Most Internet browsers automatically accept cookies when you visit a website, but you can instruct your browser to refuse or accept them only after you have been asked a question. You can also delete cookies stored on your computer or mobile device by using the function of your browser provided for this purpose. In the event that you decide to decline our cookies, you will not be able to view certain information on our web pages and will not be able to take advantage of some features designed to make your browsing easier.

Whenever you visit our web pages, certain data about the use of your web browser is transmitted to us for technical reasons and is stored in log files, known as log files. This includes the following data: date and time of the call from our website; the name of the website called up, IP address of your computer or mobile device, address of the website from which you accessed our website, volume of data transmitted and the name and version of your browser.

The evaluation of log files helps us to improve our Internet offerings and to make them even more user-friendly, to detect and correct errors more quickly and to adjust the server capacity. From the log files, we can identify when consulting our Internet offers is most popular and, therefore, make available the appropriate volume of data that will guarantee you the best possible use.

In order to constantly improve and optimize our Internet offer, we use so-called tracking technologies. These are web analysis tools used to compile statistics and graphs that provide information on the use of our Internet pages. The usage data collected for this purpose is transferred to a specific server that can be located abroad depending on the provider of the web analytics instrument. For the most commonly used, Google Analytics, the recorded data is transferred with the shortened IP address, which prevents any possibility of identifying particular devices. Google applies the data protection rules set out in the "Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework" agreement and is registered with the "Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield" program of the United States Department of Commerce (you can find information here: The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics is not shared with other data. Google may only forward the data to third parties in accordance with legal provisions or as part of the data processing mandate.

You can prevent the entry of data relating to your use of the website (including your IP address) generated by cookies for Google, as well as the processing of such data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin (add-on) available on the link ( Further detailed information about Google Analytics and data protection can be found at or

Our web pages use social plugins, such as those of social networking service providers Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram.

If you call our web pages containing such a plugin, your browser creates a direct link to the provider's server. The content of the plugin will be transmitted directly to your browser by the provider's site, then integrated by him in the Internet page consulted. As a result of this plugin integration, the service provider is informed of what you have called the web page. And if you are already logged in to the latter, he can link the page visit to your profile. When you interact with the plugin, for example by clicking on "Like" or entering a comment, the information in question will be transmitted directly by your browser to the service provider and saved on its server.

If you do not want the service provider to collect data about you via our website, you must log out of the service provider's account before opening our website. Please note that even if you are not logged in, providers collect anonymized data via social plugins by setting a cookie on your computer. This data may later be assigned to your profile if you later logged in to one of the service providers.

If you are offered a login via a Social Login Service, for example, "Facebook Connect", data exchange will take place between the provider and our website. In the case of "Facebook Connect", this may include data from your public Facebook profile. By using such Login Services, you authorize the transfer of data.

Facebook Ireland Ltd. resp. Facebook Inc.:
Google Inc.:
LinkedIn Inc.:

If you do not want service providers to collect data about you via cookies, you can select in your browser settings the function to block cookies from third-party service providers. Following this setting, the browser will not send any cookies to the server integrating content from other providers. As a result of this action, other functions of our website may cease to function.